Based on artificial intelligence and neural networks
Elhuyar Automatic Translators
6 known languages
Make translations between the following six languages:
Basque, Spanish, French, English, Catalan and Galician.
Translation on your desktop
Install Elia on your computer. Back from any application by pressing Ctrl + C Ctrl + C and inserting the translation by pressing Ctrl + V Ctrl + V + V. More information in the manual.
Download applications from https://elia.eus/static/app/Elia%201.0.1.zip
Translation of documents
Automatic translation of document quality in few seconds. Sign up and return the documents. The loose documents can be paid by card and the first three are free.
Supports all common formats: Word, PowerPoint, Excel, LibreOffice … and various professional formats: InDesign (idml), xliff, html, tex, po, srt …
Return complete documents and pay with card in a very simple way: 0.008 €/word
Research and development
The technology used by Elía is that generated at the Orai Artificial Intelligence Center.
Orai NLP technologies in the workplace carry out research, development and innovation in artificial intelligence, a more competitive industrial and business fabric, a more efficient public administration and a more inclusive society sustatzeko.Informazio